Domestic Abuse Defense Attorney | Milwaukee, WI

Domestic abuse, also known as domestic violence or intimate partner violence, is a crime that is aggressively prosecuted and taken very seriously by courts of law in Wisconsin. Wisconsin laws on domestic abuse are complex. If you’ve been charged with domestic abuse, an experienced and tenacious criminal defense attorney like me, Jay Fenton, can help you understand your rights, your responsibilities, and what steps you can take to protect yourself.

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    best criminal appeals attorney Milwaukee

    Understanding Wisconsin Domestic Abuse Law 

    State of Wisconsin Statute section 968.075(4) defines domestic abuse as intentional infliction of physical pain, injury, or illness; intentional physical impairment; or any physical act that causes a person to fear the above by a spouse, former spouse; an adult with whom a person resides or used to reside; or an adult with whom a person shares a child.

    When a police officer responds to a domestic abuse call, Wisconsin law states an arrest must happen if they suspect physical abuse has occured and/or will continue to occur. If the officer chooses not to make an arrest in these situations, they must write a report stating their reasoning. Because of this, many domestic abuse arrests occur that should be thrown out or aggressively fought against in court. That’s why hiring an experienced Milwaukee criminal defense lawyer to defend you is so critical.

    When a person is arrested for domestic violence in Wisconsin, their release is prohibited until they either post bail or appear before a judge. They are also prohibited from contacting the alleged victim for 72 hours after their arrest.

    In Wisconsin, domestic abuse is punishable by fines, jail time, or even prison time. Additional consequences of domestic abuse can last a lifetime.

    If you have been arrested for domestic abuse in Wisconsin, it is important to understand the process and what your rights are. An experienced domestic violence attorney can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights. Contact Fenton Law Office today.

    Why Choose Fenton Law Office?

    If you’ve been charged with domestic abuse in Milwaukee, Attorney Jay Fenton of Fenton Law Office can craft an aggressive defense to protect you. Attorney Fenton has extensive experience defending those accused of domestic abuse and a proven track record of achieving fair and just outcomes for my clients. Whether you are looking to plead not guilty, seek a plea deal, aggressively defend yourself in trial, or seek an appeal, he can help you understand the laws, processes, and procedures you will encounter on your journey.

    When you need aggressive, comprehensive domestic abuse defense in Milwaukee, Fenton Law Office is here. Contact us today to learn more.