Robbery & Burglary Defense Attorney | Milwaukee, WI

Property crimes, like robbery, burglary, or damage to property, are serious crimes with hefty consequences. Individuals convicted of property crimes can face misdemeanor charges, felony charges, years or decades in prison, and thousands of dollars in fines. If you are facing a robbery or burglary charge in Wisconsin, you need to speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.

Attorney Jay Fenton of Fenton Law Office is a seasoned criminal defense attorney who will fight vigorously for your rights and do everything possible to get the best outcome in your case. Robbery and burglary charges are very serious and can result in significant jail time and other penalties if you are convicted. Do not wait until it is too late – contact Attorney Jay Fenton today to schedule a consultation.

Robbery & Burglary

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    best criminal appeals attorney Milwaukee

    Robbery & Burglary Crimes in Wisconsin

    Robbery & Burglary JayfentonlawThe state of Wisconsin takes both robbery and burglary very seriously and aggressively prosecutes these types of crimes. If a dangerous weapon is involved, the penalties will be even more severe.

    Robbery and burglary are different crimes. Robbery is defined as taking something of value from another person by force or the threat of force. Burglary, on the other hand, is defined as unlawfully entering a building with the intent to take something of value or otherwise commit a crime. If the burglary is committed by breaking into a residential home, the penalties can be even more severe.

    In Wisconsin, both robbery and burglary are serious crimes that can result in many years in prison and huge fines if you are convicted. Depending on the circumstances of the crime, burglaries can result in either a misdemeanor or felony charge. Robbery convictions almost always result in a felony charge.

    Choose Fenton Law to Fight for You

    If you are facing a robbery or burglary charge in Wisconsin, it is important that you retain the services of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Attorney Jay Fenton has years of experience defending individuals charged with robbery and burglary crimes. He will aggressively defend your case and work relentlessly to ensure you get the best possible outcome in your case. Contact Fenton Law Office today to get started.